Wesley finally climbed out of his crib! Actually he did it for the first time on Monday and, geesh, things have been a little nutty around our house.
It started on Monday, as I said. We went to playgroup - we attend a FREE play group offered by Baltimore County Infants and Toddlers at the Arbutus Library on Mondays at 10:15. It is WONDERFUL!
It starts out with free play, then we dance to songs, shake "shakers", do some finger play songs, sing 'Wheels On The Bus' and read a book. We then have "center" time where different toys are placed in different areas - a building area with blocks and toddler power tools, a home center with kitchen stuff and food and baby dolls - and a little people/car/animal center. Wesley usually plays with the blocks and power tools, but I encourage him to give bottles to the baby dolls and he is so SWEET with them!
After center time, we play with a parachute and that is easily Wesley's favorite activity at play group! We have a lot of fun, it is educational, and it's FREE! It's our Monday morning Mommy/Wesley date!
OK, back to Monday... we went to play group - had lunch with our friends Jodi and her daughter Zoe, who both attend play group with us, and then we did a little shopping. Wesley and I returned home and got ready for nap time. I put him in his crib and came downstairs. A few minutes went by and then I heard a soft *thud* and the unmistakable sound of pitter patter of little feet. I instantly knew Wesley was no longer in his crib. I was hoping it was a fluke, so I put him back to bed and came downstairs again. Almost as soon and I sat down I heard him again.
Third time is a charm, right? Yeah... not so much... So, I put him to bed for... the third time... and this time I stayed in his room. I thought maybe if I stayed in his room with him he would lay down and go to bed. No dice. He stayed in his crib a few minutes and played with some stuffed animals. And then he climbed out again!
Needless to say, it turned into a no nap day. A very long, rather challenging no nap day. We went to Target and bought a gate and put the crib mattress on the floor. He has done fairly well sleeping on his mattress on the floor. Strangely enough, I ordered the toddler rail for his crib 2 weeks ago - so we're just waiting for that to come in... hopefully soon! It looks rather sad to see him sleeping on the floor - even if he is happier there than in his crib.
As if that wasn't enough excitement, we've had to switch schools for Wesley. We had several issues with his "old" school and things were not getting better fast enough and then we had other more important safety issues come up, so I pulled Wesley out of his old school on Tuesday. We went to a new school that same day and are SO HAPPY! The new teachers are so kind and sweet and Greg and I are just so confident we have made the best decision for Wesley. And Wesley warmed right up to the place. I actually got to school to pick him up today, he greeted me, and then went back to playing! THAT never happened at our old school! There is a lot more to the story, but this is a public blog and I don't want to outright trash any business on here. Email me if you want more details.
I hope that will suffice as a good update for the meantime. More to come, I promise!