Wesley had a rough night last night. He was up every four hours and in the morning I felt like I had just cared for him as a newborn again. His front two teeth are "right there." I know I've been saying it for about three weeks now, but you can see the teeth are just below the surface. Hopefully they'll break free tonight and we'll all get some relief. In the meantime, Tylenol, Baby Oragel (only at night) and oodles of teethers are getting us through. And he has been quite the drool monster the past few days.
As if teething wasn't bad enough on its own, Wesley had his appointment with the ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) doctor today. He looked at Wesley's ears and said they don't look infected at the moment - yea! - but, there appeared to be some fluid. So, they did some test where they measured the fluid in his ears and, indeed, there was fluid in both ears. Now the question was, how bad is it affecting his hearing. To find out the answer to that question, Wesley and I were sat in a soundproof box and they played sounds of different frequencies and volumes from different directions. Unfortunately, Wesley has some hearing issues at this point and the audiologist related it as being under water and someone outside the pool is trying to talk to you. It sounds muffled.
The doctor said it is not uncommon for there to be residual fluid in the ear a month after an infection. We will go back to the office in another month and see how his ears look. Hopefully it will clear up on its own. The other option is inserting eustachian tubes. We are trying to avoid tubes because it would be a surgical procedure and there is always risk with that kind of intervention. The other concern is speech and language development and of course, we don't want that to potentially suffer either. Hopefully it will resolve on its own.
In all, please keep us in your thoughts for clear ears and new teeth real soon!
*FYI update*
Wesley isn't on antibiotics at the moment because there isn't an active infection, but if he gets an ear infection in the next month, he is auomatically getting the tubes put in. Well, if we consent to it and all...
Poor Wesley! At least you and Greg are very on top of things and know to get him tested often. Hopefully it all clears up quickly, but regardless, I know you'll do the best thing for him and there's lots of help available.
Hopefully he's off of antibiotics by now?
Poor baby. Tubes were the best thing we did for kira. She too had the hearing issues and i did not want to let her slip behind. Good luck and feel free to ask if you have any questions.
my guys are getting their "eye" teeth now, so i feel your pain. have you tried the all natural hylands teething tablets? or those little mesh feeding bags filled with frozen fruit? my boys will walk around for an hour with those mesh bags - gnawing away - only stopping for refills. they love the frozen mango chunks from trader joes!
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