Friday, October 31, 2008

A Halloween Shark Attack

After having some dinner, Wesley got into his shark costume and I had to shoot a little video. As you can see, he is starting to take some steps! This has been going on for about a week now and we're just waiting for him to really get it and just take off walking. It was especially cute watching him crawling in his costume. I just love how his tail swishes!

Then, Greg and I decided to take him out for his first Trick or Treat in his car. We were just going to take a quick stroll down the street and show him off to a few neighbors. We didn't collect any candy, although one neighbor, Miss Catherine insisted we take a piece for the baby and told us, "Oh, let him lick it!"

We think Wesley was a little confused. He must have been thinking 'Wait a sec, it's bedtime and Mommy and Daddy NEVER take me out for walks at nighttime.' As if the whole staying up past 7 and walking around outside weren't enough, a few of our neighbors had their homes and yards decorated for Halloween quite elaborately. We stopped and watched the lights at one house and they even had a mock graveyard! There was a guy in the corner of the year was dressed like a zombie and he had a chainsaw and Wesley was just watching intently and then the sound effects recording went into screaming... and it got a little intense. Wesley just sat in the car and stared. He must be a horror fan, like his Mommy and Grandma M.

Our neighborhood is full of kids and lots of people stopped to admire Wesley's super cute Shark costume. People would stop and take pictures of him and parents were even making their kids check out Wesley! There was one Dad who stopped us and said his son just LOVED sharks. The dad called little stormtrooper over, who then "shot" Wesley with his blaster gun. This made me sad. What is even worse was, the same kid "shot" Greg when he came to our house for candy. Jeesh kid! Must be fun times around his house. I bet he has been shooting everything in sight for the past few days.

It was so funny walking behind a shark driving a car. He is just so cute!

While we were out walking, we ran into our neighbor, Lindsay, and her BEAUTIFUL daughter, Kira. So, we walked the neighborhood together. It was so much fun watching Kira get excited about things. Halloween was so much fun this year and I know it will just continue to get better. It will be so neat to watch him get excited about Trick or Treating and the costumes and the decorations, oh and the CANDY!

Daddy, check these things out! They are SO COOL!

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