Sunday, November 23, 2008

Me & My friend JO

You know, Jonathan Ogden! We ran into him at the Raven's game today. Wesley's Daddy was awfully proud Mommy threw the baby into JO's arms and forced him to take a picture.

Just before Wesley turned one, I got a little sad. My new little baby was not quite so new. But I am beginning to see that the world is still full of lots of "firsts" for Wesley to experience. Today he attended his first football game, the Baltimore Ravens defeated the Philadelphia Eagles in a 36-7 victory.

It was pretty cold today, but we were fortunate enough to have Club level seating with Grandmom and Grandpop. That being said, Wesley spent the majority of the game inside the nice warm club level where he and Mom and Grandmom dined on some mandarin oranges, baby goldfish and the worst "soft" pretzels known to man. He did venture outside for the opening kickoff and found people watching to be much more interesting than the game being played on the field before us. We did also bring him out for a few moments of the third quarter where we watched a few very exciting plays including a touchdown. Wesley LOVED hearing the croud go wild. Maybe Wesley is the team's good luck charm?


d said...

Ooohh...Jonathan is cute! :)

There are heaps of 'firsts' to go! No worries!

RooManda said...

Andrew went NUTS out here, you shoulda heard him scream during the game!
Touchdown RAVENS!!!