Saturday, December 20, 2008

34th Street

Just about everyone has heard about the movie 'Miracle on 34th Street' but not everyone celebrates quite like the residents of 34th Street in good ol' Bawlmer, aka Baltimore, Maryland. Watch the video above and you'll see, this neighborhood goes all out!

We thought Wesley might enjoy seeing the lights and sharing in this Christmas tradition, so we bundled him up and over to Hampden we went.

Where else can you see a hubcap tree?

Or a sculpture of a giant crab "Santa" made of wrenches being pulled by eight tiny crab "reindeer"?

Every home had something to offer, and of course there was a traditional manger scene as well.

1 comment:

RooManda said...

Andrew and I were missing 34th street big time this year. Thanks for braving the maze of streets and the bitter cold to take awesome pictures! We enjoyed them!