Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Rolling Over

Last night was a little rough for the little guy. He has been working on rolling from his back to his tummy and he perfected the technique last night while he was supposed to be sleeping. Wesley woke up and was crying and when I went in to see what was going, there he was... on his tummy! I helped flip him back over because he doesn't like being on his belly and he is supposed to be sleeping on his back (a SIDS prevention measure). Needless to say, I woke up to him crying and when I entered the room he was on his belly two more times! It was like he woke up because he was upset about waking up on his tummy.

We put him to bed tonight without any fuss, but after fifteen minutes, he started crying. We gave him a moment to see if he would settle down, which did not happen. So, we went into his room and, sure enough, he had flipped onto his belly. I turned him back onto his back and he immediately turned to his side and rolled onto his belly. I tried to help him out for about five minutes during which time he rolled over like ten times in a row. Finally, I left his room, figuring I needed to give him the opportunity to figure out how to solve his problem. He is, after all, a baby and I just wish I could explain how everything works to him. He did fall asleep about fifteen minutes after I left and I'm hoping tonight is a better night for all of us. Tomorrow we are going to try to go see the cherry blossoms in DC. Don't worry... if we go I'll be sure to take lots of pictures!

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