Monday, February 11, 2008

Drink The Brown Milk

Today Wesley had his 4 month appointment with the pediatrician's office today. At the big weigh in he was 14 pounds 5 ounces and 24.5 inches long! Whoo hoo! Our little guy is really getting big! Unfortunately, he also got 4 shots today and wasn't exactly in a photo taking mood.

One issue we have been exploring lately is the supplementation of Vitamin D in babies that are exclusively breastfed. Usually we get our Vitamin D from the sun. If babies don't get enough Vit D, they can develop rickets. However, it is February and well, we aren't exactly hanging out in the sunshine these days, so we tried giving Wesley some a multivitamin for babies orally. First time we (I) put the vitamin dropper in his mouth and gave him the full dose straight up. Ummm, yeah... he spit most of it back out and had this horiible look on his face like "That ain't milk!" The next time, we added the full dose to a bottle of breastmilk. The vitamins turned the milk a suspicious brown color and Wesley did not enjoy drinking that bottle. At one point Greg said "Now Wesley, drink the brown milk," a statement that still makes me giggle. We ended up abandoning that bottle after he drank about 2/3rds of it. Our latest attempt is a couple drops in a bottle a couple times a week. Maybe we'll just go outside instead.

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