Saturday, November 22, 2008

Emmanuel & Family

DSC_2852ps, originally uploaded by gailpaul.

DSC_2829psbwnutmeg, originally uploaded by gailpaul.

DSC_2901ps, originally uploaded by gailpaul.

DSC_2906ps, originally uploaded by gailpaul.

Here it is, my first attempt at family photography. I went over to a friend's beautiful home and snapped a few pics of her family, but mostly of their little guy, Emmanuel. I am not used to 22 month olds... he had A LOT of energy and it was right before nap time. Seeing other peoples' older children is kinda like looking into the future. Emmanuel had the cutest little dance and you can tell he just ADORES his father, which is a little unfair considering his mother had a rough road to get him here. Nonetheless, Emmanuel is the sweetest little man with two awesome parents! It was a lot of fun trying to capture their energy.

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