Thursday, November 20, 2008

I'm feeling a little lazy...

These pics are actually from last week. I've been a little busy taking pics of other babies and I've been giving Wesley a much needed break (for him) from the camera. As you can see, he has been getting into everything. He loves to open drawers and cabinets and has really been enjoying flipping through books lately. SO, between shooting other kids, working, cleaning, meeting up with friends and life in general, I've been somewhat neglecting my blog. My goal is to have like 3 entries (with Wesley pics) per week. I have just found that keeping this blog has helped me to remember all the little stuff. Well, maybe not ALL the little stuff, but a lot of it. I am doing my best to savor every moment. Having this record is, in some ways, better than the traditional baby book. So, I'm trying to keep it up. And I get to show off my gorgous baby *wink wink* to all my internet savvy friends and family (including my grandma!)

One neat thing he started doing the other day. Well, I don't know how neat it is, but everything "new" he does has it's thrill, but I digress. Tuesday evening I was working till seven and Greg brought Wesley to the hospital to see me. We went to the cafeteria and all had dinner together, it was a nice diversion from work, believe me! Wesley had a handful of something and gave me this "look" that said he wasn't going to eat whatever it was, he was done with Goldfish (I think). He has mastered the "toss the food overboard when I'm done" routine. But, he had this little handful and this inquisitive look on his face, so I held out the palm of my hand to him and he PLACED the goldfish (I think it was a goldfish?) in my hand. Pretty cool.

It was so cool to watch him set something down with purpose and carefully. Most things he has been "done" with just get dropped immediately or a backhanded accidental-like toss, so this was definately different. He has done it a few times since then and it still is quite novel to me... for now.

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