Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wesley giggles are the best!

You might not have noticed, but Wesley is a very serious little one. I mean he is so observant, taking in the world and his brain just absorbs all the information. He is really smart and just so clever! He isn't the smiliest baby and I have to work hard and have Greg's help to get those smile pics I post on here. But I have one sure fire way to make him laugh and laugh... It must be a Mommy thing, but I know just how to tickle him to make him erupt into a fit of giggles. Here is a little video of some belly laughs. I hope you enjoy the torture! Wesley doesn't seem to mind too much.

And excuse everyone's appearance in this video... we were having a very lazy Sunday.

1 comment:

RooManda said...

Love those tiny feet flopping around, and that is the highest pitch squeal I have ever heard! :D