Thursday, April 9, 2009

Another trip to Storyville

DSC_0905rawedit1_filtered, originally uploaded by gailpaul.

DSC_0914rawedit_filtered, originally uploaded by gailpaul.
We last visited Storyville in November, you can read about that visit by clicking HERE. We had a great time then and our visit today was even better now that Wesley is a teensy bit older. Last time I set him in that boat and he didn't really like it. This time he walked on over to it, climbed in (with a little help from Mommy), and rocked it back and forth on his own. He is even more of an explorer and I know he had a great time running all over the place. We met up with a friend of mine, Jen, and her daughter who is a couple weeks younger than Wesley. They made quite the pair, blowing kisses to each other and checking out all the cool stuff together. Jen tied scarves on their heads and made them capes and they both thought that was very cool. It is so fun to watch the kids play and interact, they often go their own separate ways, but would eventually make their way back to each other. Kids are awesome.

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