Friday, August 7, 2009

too quiet

DSC_7776GMP, originally uploaded by gailpaul.
It is completely true what they say. You know, "they" say a lot of things... but you know that whole thing about things being "too quiet" usually means the kids are up to no good... Yeah, well Wesley was being such a good boy, playing by himself for a few minutes and then things got quiet... really quiet. I enjoyed a few moments to myself, hanging out on Facebook I believe, maybe even farming on good ol' Farm Town (I am such a dork!). And then a moment of panic - Wesley is never that quiet for long... he had to be up to no good! Sure enough he had emptied the contents of my purse. And my wallet. Thankfully he didn't rip anything up or eat anything, even if every little item was now stren across the floor. I grabbed my camera and snaped a shot. Hopefully this will be the biggest mess he makes as a toddler - right? (I can hope!)

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