Monday, May 26, 2008

Reach for the stars

Every parent wants their child to reach for the stars and shoot for the moon. Wesley has learned how to get to a sitting position by himself and now he can literally reach over and grab whichever star calls him. So, we had to put the mobile away. We are going to be lowering the crib mattress this weekend. Thankfully, he hasn't really started pulling up on things yet, but we don't want him to practice any skydiving maneuvers in the nursery. It is heartbreaking though, when he cries at night, I enter his room and he is sitting up, watching the doorway for me to come to him.

He has been doing pretty good at night lately, after having some major set backs after traveling and then me returning to work and then him being sick. Greg and I have been working with the little guy and he is pretty much sleeping through the night at this point. More on that another day...

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