Monday, June 9, 2008

8 Months Old Today!

Eight months already! Where has the time gone? This past month has been a biggie... Wesley has learned how to get into a sitting position independently, he got his first tooth and has learned how to crawl. Everyday I am amazed by how big he is getting and how fast time is going by. It makes me thankful I take oodles of pictures and have kept up with this blog. I am doing my best to cherish this time and savor it, but it's like trying to hold back a flood. So many new developments, almost on a daily basis.

It is the little things I am worried about forgetting. When Wesley was itty bitty, he would sit in his bouncer chair and watch "Red Frog" pop out from behind some grass on the toy bar. Today he crawled over to the bouncer, pulled himself up and started reaching for Red Frog. I'm sure Red Frog won't mean anything to him in the future, but it was one of the first inatimate objects that held his interest as a newborn (in addition to ceiling fans). I tried putting Wesley in the bouncer yesterday, and he sat in it for a few minutes. He reached up and played with this little bird on top of the toy bar. When he was tiny, I thought to myself, 'why did they put that bird there? No baby could reach that.' Needless to say, I stand corrected. I was talking about the whole thing with Greg and we discussed about how he couldn't even reach the toys when we first put him in the chair! Ahh the memories!


Anonymous said...

I see he's graduated from tiny socks to big-boy sandals. Go Wesley!

RooManda said...

Yeah, I guess he's cute if you like babies and all that stuff.

Of course he's amazing! It's so neat to see how much he's really growing!