Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The tree is up!

DSC_3365pspsleidk, originally uploaded by gailpaul.

So, we made it back to Baltimore from our Thanksgiving trip to Rochester. The laundry is almost all done and the holiday decorations are out and in the process of being put up. The tree is up and we took a few pictures for our Christmas cards (you'll have to wait to see what the final image is) and Wesley really enjoyed checking out the tree. That is, for about ten minutes. Then he saw the kitty hanging out under the tree.

I see you Murphy!

Then, he was more interested in the box of ornaments that aren't on the tree just yet. His little PJs are still too big on him and he walked right out of the pants. He has done that a few times lately and he just looks so darn cute romping around!

I love those little legs!

1 comment:

d said...

That first picture is just gorgeous!

And even I have to admit he's a little cutie-pie in his pjs. :)