Tuesday, January 20, 2009

On my way!

DSC_4948, originally uploaded by gailpaul.

DSC_4964ps, originally uploaded by gailpaul.
Wesley playing in a tot tunnel at the San Francisco airport.

DSC_4976pps_filtered, originally uploaded by gailpaul.

To say it was a long day is a bit of an understatement... it was more like a 30 hour day with all our time changes and such, but we made it to Hawaii! I was so excited the night before, I didn't get to sleep until about 3am, then Wesley woke up at 3:45 and then I couldn't get back to sleep. The airport shuttle picked us up at 5:45 and our flight from Baltimore to San Francisco was very uneventful. Wesley was a good boy, being entertained with his Snack Trap, an of course Mommy and Daddy. He did take a nap on the flight, after falling asleep to the world's longest rendition of Old MacDonald by Mommy, complete with every animal imaginable on his farm, including fish, turtles, lions and monkeys.

We joined Grandma and Grandpa in California and after a quick bite of lunch, we boarded our plane. We pulled out of the gate and then the captain announced there would be a 30 min delay. Eventually we returned to the gate, got off the plane, was going to board another plane, then got back on the same original plane and finally departed 3 hours later than planned. But we were off. And Wesley was so tired, he slept through take off. He was great on the flight and slept again through the landing. Such a sweet boy, we are so lucky to have a wonderful, easy going baby!

We landed in Honolulu, took the Wiki Wiki bus to the terminal and then a taxi to our resort. We were so tired after all that traveling, we unpacked a couple things and then went right to bed! Ahh, it was some of the best sleep EVER!

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