Friday, October 17, 2008

1 year checkup

Wesley had his one year check up with the pediatrician today. He weighed in at a whopping 20 pounds 5 ounces and now measures 30 inches tall. He looks very healthy and is growing appropriately. The doctor took one look at his feet and said she would venture to guess he is going to be tall when he gets older. One bad thing though, she noticed a heart murmur. It is probably innocent, but we need to go to a cardiologist to get it checked out. We have the number to Johns Hopkins and I'll be calling on Monday to make an appointment. Hopefully it is nothing, but it is somewhat reassuring to know some of the best doctors in the world are down the street and will be checking Wesley out. Don't worry, I'll keep everyone updated when we know something.

And an update on Wesley's hearing. We haven't had his hearing retested, but it is OBVIOUS his hearing has improved since his surgery. He has been dancing to the music his toys make, and tapping his hands to the beat. It is so much fun to see him enjoying songs and melodies. It is just another testament that we made the right decision to have the tubes placed. The ENT doctor said the tubes will stay in for 6 months to a year and usually (95% of the time) they fall out on their own. There is a small chance he made need surgery to remove them, but we will cross that bridge if/when we need to. Until then, rock on little boy! I love watching you shake your little bum!

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