Friday, October 3, 2008

Move Over Gerber Baby!

There's a new baby in town!

These are the jelly bean favors I made for Wesley's birthday party. I recycled Wesley's baby food jars, got some fruity jelly beans and I ADORE how the labels came out. They are too cute not to share!


RooManda said...

I was wondering why you had 40,000 baby food jars on the counter last week.

It'll be a great time! I'll be thinking of you!

lindsay said...

YOu kill me with your creativity. Can I hire you as a consultant to come up with some creative stuff for Kira's mermaid party??

lindsay said...

oh yeah forgot to add, he looks so much cuter than the gerber baby.

Sam said...

hey, which photo is this head from? Send it over.