Tuesday, February 10, 2009

10 on 10 (plus one for good luck)

Here it is, the 10th of February! Really! Seriously! So I'm trying to stick with the 10 pictures on the 10th of each month, so here is this month's installment. If you have any questions about my day or about the pics or even about the 10 on 10 challenge, just post a comment and I'll answer it.


RooManda said...

How did you get Greg to cook dinner, stick it in the fridge and leave a love note on top? Can he teach Andrew? :D

I love your 10 on 10 days! Maybe do 20 on 20?

Gail said...

What can I say? I married a WONDERFUL man who spoils me rotten! I am so lucky! as for 20 on 20... I'm doubting it!