Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wesley's first ER visit

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Wesley woke up screaming at 11pm last night. Greg pulled him out of the crib and immediately said "He feels hot." We checked his temperature and then I repeated it, and then checked it a third time. 104.6. It was time for another dose of Tylenol and then we hopped in the car and off to the ER. He has had diarrhea for 3 days, a fever for over 24 hours and it was on the upward trend. He wasn't having wet diapers and he wasn't eating very well.

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Did I mention lethargic? His whole demeanor was so mellow.

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He looks so sick.

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But he spotted a little boy in the triage area across from us.

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They entertained each other a little bit. Ahh, there is a sign of my baby's true personality!

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Boys will be boys I guess!

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As soon as we got to the ER, it was time for another dose of Motrin, so they gave him some. It was determined that Wesley was dehydrated and needed some IV fluids. He was so sick he hardly fussed when they put the IV in! They covered it with a diaper and he was so listless he didn't even mess with it.

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After 100cc of IV fluids, the old Wesley started to return, he was OK with not being held and he even started playing with toys and such. We had to "make do" with the available resources for entertainment, including this emesis basin. Wesley thought it was loads of fun!

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In total, he received 400cc of IV fluids. His WBC count was 12.8, elevated, but not high enough for them to give him antibiotics. His other lab work was mildly skewed, but since he perked up with the IV fluids and his temperature was coming down, we were allowed to take him home! We got home and he went right to bed. This was one "first" of Wesley's that I was hoping to avoid.

1 comment:

Tena said...

Poor buddy! I am glad he's feeling better, there's nothing more gut wrenching than watching your sick baby (or, having had a child myself, someone else's sick baby).