Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I hate it when he is sick...

DSC_7445ps, originally uploaded by gailpaul.

Poor kid. He had some, uh, digestive issues the past 3 days and last night he felt warm. I took his temperature and, sure enough, it was 103. I gave him some Tylenol (it is CRAZY how much he LOVES taking medications!) and he just wanted to be held. Greg and I took turns holding him until it was time for bed. I checked his temp before bed and it was coming down. A few hours later I snuck into his room just to feel how warm he was and he woke right up. His temp was back to 103, and it was time for more Tylenol, so I gave him another dose. He was up at 5:30 this morning.

Daddy took him to the pediatrician and he got weighed... 22 pounds 4 ounces with his clothes on and he got a flu test (negative) and they did a CBC and his white blood cell (infection fighters) count was normal. The doctor wasn't all that concerned, even said it was fine if Wesley wasn't eating that much, as long as he keeps drinking fluids.

Wesley ate a bite of chicken for lunch. That was it. Dinner consisted of a few mandarin oranges, a lick of Oatmeal and Cheerios. I did add some rice cereal to his milk bottle just for some added nutrition. He won't touch his pedialyte.

Before bed his temp was 102.1, as evidenced by the pic. I started giing him Mortin between Tylenol doses in an effort to reduce his fever and help him feel better. The sweet little guy was so super cuddley today. He napped in my arms this afternoon, sat in my lap a majority of this evening and eventually fell asleep there. I did put him in his crib and I hope his little body beats whatever bugs real soon!

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