Thursday, July 2, 2009

The good traveler.

DSC_6124, originally uploaded by gailpaul.

DSC_6132, originally uploaded by gailpaul.
We were going to spend our Fourth of July holiday weekend with my family in Rochester, NY. That meant a long (6-7 hours) drive for Wesley. Greg and I decided to leave Maryland after he got out of work around 5 PM, drive for a while, stop for dinner and then trek on as long as we could. If Wesley needed us to stop we would and we hoped he would fall asleep and sleep through most of the drive. He usually goes to bed around 7:30/8PM..
We packed up the car and I had a big bag of toys right next to him so he could pull them out and have fun getting into something that isn't normally there. It did help entertain him, but then he discovered a bag next to the toy bag. The "other" bag had snacks and juice boxes. We do not let Wesley drink directly out of juice boxes just yet. He tends to squeeze them and get juice all over himself.
At some point during the drive Wesley was very quiet, too quiet. I knew that probably meant trouble. As I looked back I saw he had helped himself to a juice box and much to my surprise, he had gotten the straw out of the wrapper and managed to poke it into the hole of the juice box. He was so proud of himself and frankly, Greg and I were pretty impressed he was able to get that straw in there. Needless to say he was really enjoying his juice box.
We stopped at McDonald's for dinner at some random rest stop and continued on driving. Wesley usually goes to bed around 7:30/8, and he used to be a really good car sleeper. He used to nap in the car quite regularly. However, we have really been working on taking naps in his crib and he hadn't slept in the car in a good month or even longer. The poor little guy was so zoned out but still awake as we continued driving. He finally fell asleep around 9 and was out until we got to Rochester. It was a long drive, but Wesley did great. He is such a good little traveler!

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