Thursday, July 16, 2009

A few random updates...

I have been a bit of a blog slacker lately. Of course you see lots of entries and photos, but so many little things have been happening and Greg and I marvel at them when they occur, but I don't always take the time to let the world know about the fun we are having. So this is a make up post, or as some of my friends would say "random."

Wesley had an ear infection diagnosed a week ago. He had a cough and a runny nose while we were in Rochester and it got progressively worse. Last Friday he started oozing yellowish-pink stuff out of one ear - ew! I called the pedi and she saw him that day at my insistence. I'm a little peeved they wanted to put us off, but that is another issue. Anyway, he has an ear infection. It is much better now. Yea!

Wesley says "Thank You," "You're Welcome" (aka "Welca") and Beep beep" It is all very cute! He will throw stuff away in the garbage can if you ask him to. This week he has discovered the joys of putting cups and dirty dished in the sink. He is just so proud of himself when he puts stuff away where it belongs. Then again, sometimes we disagree about where something may belong.

The other day I said I needed socks before we went outside. He then went upstairs and got a pair of socks and brought them to me. It was so sweet and cute and I am amazed he did that. However, I needed socks for my feet, not Wesley sized socks - lol!

And my last "random" for now, I haven't nursed Wesley in about 6 weeks. We had been working on the weaning process for a while and it just followed a natural progression. It was work, hard work, inconvenient work, but I met all my breastfeeding goals and it was a true labor of love. I cherish my memories of that time and am so happy with the entire experience. It was nourishing for body, heart, mind and soul for myself and Wesley and it saddens me that it is over. I will miss that special time but the bond remains and that is what is important. I don't specifically remember our last nursing session and if I had known then it would be the last time I probably would have bawled my eyes out. In that respect, I am glad it ended the way it did. I keep this blog for myself as well as a way of sharing with all our family and friends and I just needed to document how it ended. Thanks for reading!

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